Category Archives: Best Way to Lose Weight

The Deadly Mix: How Caffeinated Cocktails Can Kill You

Avoid caffeinated cocktails if you value your health and want to lose weight

We all know that alcohol consumption is not the quickest way to lose weight. The detrimental effects that alcohol have on our fat loss plans include the body burning the byproduct of alcohol – acetate – as a form of energy instead of body fat. Not to mention the lowering of testosterone reducing the muscle building effect of your workouts. When you mix alcohol together with a caffeinated element, this dramatically adds a health threatening aspect.

Fast Lane, Fast Food – Avoid Corporate Loser Lunches to Reduce Tummy Fat

Avoid Corporate Loser Lunch

It is very easy to get caught up in the fast food folly because it is “so inexpensive” to eat at many of these places and they are often convenient to where you work. A little forethought on your part and you could bring something from home that would be much better for you and might even help with how to reduce tummy fat.

How to Lose Beer Belly: The Low Down on Best Beers for Weight Loss

beers that will not harm your your belly that much

The truth is, the bar scene is not the quickest way to lose weight anyway. It comes with other temptations such as eating foods that aren’t on your “safe” list. If you want to go out with your friends and co-workers, try to limit how often you do so and limit yourself to the lower calorie beers.

How to Get Slim and Healthy? Read What You Eat!

nutritional label-how to get slim

Have you ever looked at the nutritional labels of the food you eat? If not, you better start looking if you are concerned about your health and want to know how to get slim. Don’t you find it strange that people will read through and analyse the technical specifications of computers and cars before buying them, but won’t even take a glimpse at what exactly they are putting in their bodies?

Office Weight Loss Tips: 5 Worst Office Pantry Food that Make You Fat

office weight loss tips - how to get slim

Every office pantry has some of these; foods that will sabotage your fat loss plans and bring you back to square one. In today’s office weight loss tip, I’m going to share with you some of the 5 worst office pantry foods that you should avoid like the plague if you want to know how to get slim.

Quickest Way to Lose Weight: How Sleep Affects Weight Loss (Exclusive Book Excerpt)

lose beer belly

Can sleep be the quickest way to lose weight? “I can sleep when I’m dead”. This is my usual response to those cared enough about me to ask me to go to bed whenever I was working late through the night replying emails from colleagues halfway around the world, watching a dvd or just refusing to go to sleep. I never say those words anymore.

Best Way to Lose Weight: Does Drinking Water Help Weight Loss?

drinking water help weight loss

Can something as simple as drinking water help weight loss? Before you dismiss this, ask yourself if you drink enough water every day. If you think that just because you work in an office and do not perspire much and hence do not need to drink so much water, you are wrong! In fact, we corporate workers drink less water than we realize! In fact, we probably drink more coffee than water! We sit in the office all day checking emails and rushing deadlines. Before you know it, your next sip of water only comes at lunchtime. Personally I have gone for almost a day in the office without touching a sip of water. It is only when my throat was so dry and I can’t even talk on the phone properly that I was reminded I haven’t had anything to drink at all.

Best Way to Lose Weight: Start Snacking in the Office!

best way to lose weight-apple

Truth is, one of the best way to lose weight is to eat every three hours as it helps to stroke your metabolism and prevent your body from storing fat. And snacking between meals is the easiest way to do that. But before you get too excited about your containers of cookies, crackers and candies that you display oh-so-proudly on your desk, understand that only certain snacks that will help you to lose weight. Because we office workers are always in a rush for time, we need snacks that don’t need a lot of time to prepare and hopefully is something that can be consumed immediately at your desk.
Lets take a look at some of my personal favorite fat burning snacks and see whether you have any of these in your office tidbit stash.

Quickest Way to Lose Weight for the Busy Corporate Professional

Daniel Ho demonstrates the compound exercise, prisoner squats

As a busy corporate professional, we are often in a rush; moving from appointment to appointment and rushing deadline after deadline. For most of us, exercising is the least of our concerns. The fact is, many of us are just too worn out after a long day at work to trudge our way to the gym for a decent workout. For those who do make it to the gym, chances are they are not fully optimizing their workout time by performing the exercises that matter. So in this article, I will show you the quickest way to lose weight so you can get the best results in the shortest time.