Category Archives: How to Get Slim

Quickest Way to Lose Weight: 5 Reasons Why your Weight Loss Plan will Fail

quickest way to lose weight

In an attempt to quickly lose weight, people have resorted to different (some extreme) methods of achieving their ideal weight in the shortest time. Many people have approached me with questions on why haven’t they seen results with using certain diet pills or some other popular exercise program.

Fast and Safe Weight Loss: Losing the Right Weight

Have you ever wondered why people who went back to “normal” weight due to dieting or weight loss pills still end up with high blood pressure and heart diseases? And why do people who exercise regularly, run marathons or those generally considered “fit” still look fat? The reason is high body fat percentage in their overall body composition.

How to Lose Weight Fast: 14 Things You Can Do to Lose Weight Quickly!

Everyone wants to know how to lose weight fast. We know the usual “watch your diet and exercise regularly” routine. But if it is as simple as that, then there wouldn’t be so many fat people in this world!

Amidst all the lies and hype surrounding the weight loss industry, it can be hard to separate the hype and lies from the truth.

That’s why in today’s article, I’m going to share with you 14 things you must do to lose weight fast. Following these 14 tips will help you to lose weight safely and stay lean all year round.

Best Fat Loss Program: What Busy Corporate Workers Should Look Out For

Best Fat Loss Program

Looking for the best fat loss program that is both effective and time efficient? There are so many fat loss programs and products out there that it is hard to determine which is the most suitable for you. It is especially challenging for us corporate workers where time is a precious commodity. Juggling work, family commitments and the daily commute, just the thought of going to the gym for an hour of workout at the end of a long workday is probably not the most exciting thing to do.

How to Lose Weight on Business Trips: 7 Tips You Must Know!


Many people claim that business trips are pitfalls for losing weight. But still, some people love travelling for work while others just abide the business trips they have to make. Even with the many methods of communication available today, there are times when you have to show up in person to get the job done. Being alone in a strange city can lead to time spent lounging and watching television instead of doing anything constructive to lose beer belly.

Weight Gain During Ramadan & How To Avoid It

During the fasting period, many would assume that there would be a significant weight loss because meals can only be consumed before sunrise and after sunset. However, the results of a study done by King Abdulaziz University of Saudi Arabia revealed that Saudi families actually experienced weight gain during Ramadan.

How to Get Slim: 5 Easy Ways to Lose Weight on the Job

how to get slim

Last week, my ex-colleague after knowing that I’ve created a successful fat loss program for busy corporate professionals came up to me and asked me the million dollar question:
“How can I get slim? How do I lose weight easily?”

Top 10 Fat Loss & Muscle Building Jargons You Must Know

Every hobby, sport, industry and even profession has their own jargons. The fat loss and muscle building realm is certainly no exception. Just because you are not a seasoned professional or personal trainer doesn’t mean you don’t have to know the lingo. In fact, if you are just starting a fat loss or muscle building…

How to Get Slim and Healthy? Read What You Eat!

nutritional label-how to get slim

Have you ever looked at the nutritional labels of the food you eat? If not, you better start looking if you are concerned about your health and want to know how to get slim. Don’t you find it strange that people will read through and analyse the technical specifications of computers and cars before buying them, but won’t even take a glimpse at what exactly they are putting in their bodies?

Office Weight Loss Tips: 5 Worst Office Pantry Food that Make You Fat

office weight loss tips - how to get slim

Every office pantry has some of these; foods that will sabotage your fat loss plans and bring you back to square one. In today’s office weight loss tip, I’m going to share with you some of the 5 worst office pantry foods that you should avoid like the plague if you want to know how to get slim.